Friday, August 6, 2010

What is a healthy amount of times that you should get another haircut and a new pair of shoes?

Do you need to buy new clothing eventually? if so after how much time?

Also my friend's hand nails grow slightly faster than toenails. Is this normal or is something wrong.

Can you keep sandals forever?What is a healthy amount of times that you should get another haircut and a new pair of shoes?
I don't think sandals ';last'; forever unless they are very well made and even then the heels and soles would be so worn down that they would not be ';healthy'; for your feet.

You do also need to eventually buy some clothing. If you cannot afford ';new' clothing there are thrift shops and consignment shops that sell perfectly good clothes. Everyone outgrows their clothes or needs a change of pace every couple of years at least. Others more often than some.

My toenails grow quickly. I don't think it is a defect, I just go get pedicures more often. I don't think there is anything wrong with your friends toenails.

A haircut is completely up to you. You should trim your hair so that it split ends don't show, you should do that at least every other month, if not every month.

Peace, Love %26amp; HappinessWhat is a healthy amount of times that you should get another haircut and a new pair of shoes?
lol! These are all personal preferences and not etiquette questions.

You should get at least a trim (1/4'') once a month to keep hair healthy.

Clothes and shoes? whenever they wear out.

People's nails grow at different speeds, very normal.

Keep sandals as long as they are good and don't stink.


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