Is it okay for regular people to have that haircut?How does military personnel feel about civilians' with a high and tight haircut?
Don't know, when I was in the military I tried never to have a high and tight haircut
Ronald W- Shave your own kids heads. ickHow does military personnel feel about civilians' with a high and tight haircut?
no.My husband was very moto before joining the Marines and had a high and tight. he never said he was a Marine ( the time)
I think it would be offensive if people did and claimed they were in the military when they werent.
~Marine Wife
Military could care less. I have a high and tight haircut right now. My step dad is in the military, he's not beating me. It's not their thing, they just want their men to look like they take care of themselves. Not a patent.
Sure it's ok for a civilian to have the high and tight. Just don't go around telling people your in the military and your not. That is frowned on by the military folks.
I think it is flippin Hooah, i think all boys should have high and tights, just like a school uniform, that is the only flippin way to go!! It is neat.
It never bothered me, during my 24 years, when I saw a civilian with a high and tight. It was their option. My dad had a high and tight since 1956 (crew cut) and never served a day on active duty.
The military does not own the high and tight just as civilians do not own the long and shaggy that the special ops guys wear when on missions.
Why wouldn't it be? It's not a registered trademark of the military or the US Government.
There is no law against it. There should be a law against purple and green mohawks.
its find fact when you do people stereotype you as one of us, that's why when your traveling aboard its best to keep your hair long
They are honored. Looks fine.
they could care less, it doesn't have a thing to do with them.The kids did the same thing in WW ll
doesnt bother them one bit
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